
Sincerly, Vincent Goh

Just my daily two cents.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Maddness

Shit, friday night was one hell of a night. So I woke up somewhere around 12 AM Gary and Collin called me to hooka so then I left the house to go to Michaels house which is still in Bay O Vista. Since we did not have any coals Kyle picked us up to buy some coals down in Haystack. We came back set up the hooka in the "trap" and were on a roll. Making O's and clouds, and then we go for a round 2. This time we try 2 coals, and the smoke was kicking hard. These were awesome clouds, and they left me light headed. Somewhere around 3 AM there is knocking at the door and Michael's mom starts calling him to come out. We start freaking out moving shit around cleaning up pretending to act like shit is normal. Then when the door was opened, there was hellla smoke Michaels mom took him out and soon after Denny's mom came in. I just wanted to cut right away but me and Gary had to wait for Collin. Sad thing was that, Michael's mom is a family friend. I then stayed up the whole night, and picked up mc donalds with Gary and Kiyoshi. We were all tired as fuck. Now its sunday, and I'm still thinking about that shit, and I feel hella bad.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fuck Family

Sometimes I really think that water is thicker than blood. I seriously fucking hate how my cousin lives with me. He is a college graduate that is waiting upon a graduate school to accept him. He doesn't do fucking shit but play World of War Craft and take small ass classes at community college. Every fucking day he talks shit about my house and my family. Calling my mom lazy cause she always sleeps. Telling everyone that the house is falling apart. Dissing me and all my brothers saying that we are all lazy. Today he was like "your father is a good father" implying that my father is not good. I just want to say that just because you fucking graduated college YOU ARENT THE SHIT.You don't deserve to live with us. Just because you say that me and my brothers are too lazy to look after grandma and grandpa that you are the only one who can take care of them. You barely do shit, all you ever do is drive them around places, buy their medicine, give them their medicine and play world of war craft. Your not the one supporting them paying for their electricity bill, medical bills, fucking cooking for them buying the food that WE ALL EAT. You are a complete fucking asshole, telling me to wash the dishes, take out the fucking trash, feed the dog, when you don't even do any of these chores. Since you fucking live here, you are also responsible to do some of these household chores. Let me give you two last fucking words, FUCK YOU.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I need a girl to ride ride ride

Its a friday night, and I've just finished midterms. I have to say that I am feeling kind of lonely. Now a days I just sit at home waiting for someone, to talk to me, call me on the phone, instant message me to hang out, or do something together. If I think about it, a majority of my Sophomore year weekends has been spent sitting at home, "trying" to start homework and get it done on time. I don't recall being at a party or anything for quite awhile.

I've been single for about two years now. Don't even have time to go hang out with gurlies. I do realize that I can't just sit here and wait for someone to fall into my arms, I have to go out and catch the jelly fish like Spongebob.

Damn, sometimes I wish I was with someone.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good Day Blogspot

I've decided to move away from tumblr. Personally, I enjoy the smaller Blogspot community rather than the popular tumblr.

Blogspot gives me more space to reflect, rather than post videos or pictures.

Right now, I am stressed due to the fact that I have three finals tomorrow.

However, I am extremely angry and ready to go on a rampage. Let me say this straight up, FUCK YOU KAREN LY. It really frustrates me how you have to have everything your way. You make it sound so fucking easy to tell people to change their plans. Yeah, your always the fucking boss. You are a fucking spoiled ass bitch. Not to mention, you have to have one of your fucking nigger friends to come and confront me, and call me out, telling me to never to yell at a woman. If so, did she have the right to tell me straight up? That stupid ass, arrogant, ignorant nigger bitch does not know who I fucking am. I want to respond to your blog post as well, and I just want to say you should learn to respect people's personal plans.
Thank you,
Let me complete this blog by saying:


Sunday, April 26, 2009

I know I can..

be what I want to be? What do I want to be? 

Do something you love, and youll never have to work a day in your life. 
Do something you hate, and youll suffer and struggle in your everyday work. 

What is the path I choose? I dont fucking know. 

What should I become? I dont want to be a fucking doctor, no I do not want to inspect your penis, I do not want to calculate the measurements of a building, or open peoples mouths and inspect teeth. I mean, what can I do. There are so many options, but I cant seem to find one that I would actually love doing.

 My father said, when he was young that he wanted to be an engineer, but he could never achieve it. Instead, he took a different path which was dentisty and worked his way up. And even in those times of quitting, my father never gave up. He also said, that you could never become a boss, unless you worked for a boss. Be someone little and work your way up. Sometimes I just fucking HATE talking to my dad, hes trying to rush my future, so that I turn into an adult. That way, he doesnt have to support me and he can go on his fucking vacation trips to China. Hey, FUCK YOU China. 

What if I want to become a porn star? What If I want to do photography? What If I want to be a househusband? What if I want to be a designer? What the fuck. Time is running out, and I'm trying to find what I want to do FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Life is fucked up. 

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dear Blog,

You are gay! Just kidding, I love you. Lemme do you! 

This week has been gaaay, karen. 
Sick all week? Allergiez? Unit tests? Hah, yea, right. :P
On a brighter side,

Spring break is a thumbs up. And My weekend has been thumbs up. Friday was BOMB, Today was BOMB! woot. Friday, Slept HELLA early at 7 and I felt great! Ahh, I miss sleeping early.
Today, I went to chabot space and science center, kinda cheesy uniform, it looks alot like KIPP's. I came back home and Denisse and her parents came over to pick up some dentures. Then I went biking with the BOYZ, yeee breh. My legs burnn. We went all the way to Castro Valley and then took chabot road back. WAY FUN going down that hill. Now im chillin like a villian. :] Intersession next week. Gey.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Oh man that show is juicy.

I wonder how much they pay to hire. hmm

Anyhow, just got kicked out the house and rode away to garys. Thanks gary.

Came back to a house crumbling from sound.


Come and piss on my dead body bitch.

you are a sneaky hoe.

People who don't like me

About Me

Hai, my name is vincent and I like long walks on the beach. I love the crispy winds blowing the wisps of hair on my upper lip. Its a wonderful scenery. :]