
Just my daily two cents.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Maddness

Shit, friday night was one hell of a night. So I woke up somewhere around 12 AM Gary and Collin called me to hooka so then I left the house to go to Michaels house which is still in Bay O Vista. Since we did not have any coals Kyle picked us up to buy some coals down in Haystack. We came back set up the hooka in the "trap" and were on a roll. Making O's and clouds, and then we go for a round 2. This time we try 2 coals, and the smoke was kicking hard. These were awesome clouds, and they left me light headed. Somewhere around 3 AM there is knocking at the door and Michael's mom starts calling him to come out. We start freaking out moving shit around cleaning up pretending to act like shit is normal. Then when the door was opened, there was hellla smoke Michaels mom took him out and soon after Denny's mom came in. I just wanted to cut right away but me and Gary had to wait for Collin. Sad thing was that, Michael's mom is a family friend. I then stayed up the whole night, and picked up mc donalds with Gary and Kiyoshi. We were all tired as fuck. Now its sunday, and I'm still thinking about that shit, and I feel hella bad.

People who don't like me

About Me

Hai, my name is vincent and I like long walks on the beach. I love the crispy winds blowing the wisps of hair on my upper lip. Its a wonderful scenery. :]